Father James Mallon is Pastor of Saint Benedict Parish in the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, as well as the Founder and Chair of the Board of the JP II Media Institute. Besides being a speaker on the topics of Parish Renewal and the New Evangelization, Father James has hosted two internationally acclaimed DVD Series – Catholicism 201 and Dogmatic Theology. He is the author of the best selling book, Divine Renovation: From A Maintenance To A Missional Parish, an engaging guide for parishes seeking to cultivate communities of discipleship and vibrant and dynamic faith communities. In 2016, Fr James also authored the Divine Renovation Guidebook, a step by step manual for transforming your parish.
Born in Scotland, Father James and his family moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1982. After studying at Christ the King Seminary in British Columbia and St. Augustine’s Seminary in Toronto, Father James was ordained to the Catholic priesthood in 1997.
Father James currently resides in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In addition to his ministry, Father James loves soccer, movies, photography, dogs, everything Apple and good Single Malt Scotch.
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